Fabric Giveaway Update! Plus a Cautionary (finger)Tip…

Hello fabric fiends! I have been so entertained with the responses to the fabric giveaway! It has been interesting to find out where everyone is located and I *LOVE* hearing about your fabric devotion… I’m glad I’m not alone out there and that I have support from fellow-fabric junkies! In fact, I love it so much that I have decided to throw one more prize into the mix for the giveaway: a Fabric Sicko prize to my favorite tale of fabric addiction! I’ve seen some great ones already, and if you haven’t posted because you think it’s too late, you still have a couple chances to win something! (click here for the fabric giveaway and fabric addiction affirmations).

The Fabric Sicko prize will be four fat quarters, as seen below:
I am ending the giveaway contest at 12:00am PST on October 23rd (the end of next Friday/beginning of next Saturday). So post if you haven’t already!

Finally, I wanted to give a quick shout out to Maggie over at Maggiesquiltnthreads and a word of WARNING to my fellow quilters out there to be very careful when using a rotary cutter! I screamed when I saw an unexpected picture of Maggie’s severed finger on her blog. Maggie sacrificed a piece of herself (literally!) to the craft when she accidentally nipped off a bit of her finger with a rotary cutter. Not fun. Yet she continues to quilt away, now that’s true dedication. You can check out her blog for a description and all the gory details…but I just want to propose that October (and all other months, for that matter) should be recognized as Finger Safety and Awareness month. A couple (finger)Tips on how to observe FSA month follow:

A chainmail glove or gauntlet:
These are great because they make you look like a medieval knight and also protect you from rotary cutters.

Honest Abe:
You can trust Abe to protect your digits, although any thimble will do the trick.

An old-fashioned finger guard (not as hard core as the chainmail glove, but it will do):

And if all else fails, a good First Aid kit 😉

Happy crafting!

3 Responses to Fabric Giveaway Update! Plus a Cautionary (finger)Tip…

  1. Mary Grace McNamara October 17, 2010 at 12:41 am #

    Those fat quarters are nice! If I were to win them, I think I'd make one of my quilted cinch sacks with them…the pattern requires exactly 4 fat quarters!

    Love the chain mail glove! Way more cool than the finger guard! 🙂


  2. Evelyn October 18, 2010 at 1:28 pm #

    I'm definitely NOT clicking over to see those pictures! Ouch! I can see how it happens, but man, I hope it never happens to me… Knock on wood…

  3. VickiT October 18, 2010 at 6:15 pm #

    Oh ewwwwwwwwww that poor thing. That had to hurt just a bit. OUCH! I've often wondered about that ruler finger guard and if it's secure against the ruler or if it slips at all. I cannot work with thimbles at all and can't use those gloves. I only hope one day I won't be posting pictures like she just did.

    My biggest fear in cutting fabric though is my cat who likes to jump up onto my stuff while I'm working. I've had nightmares of him jumping right into the line of my rotary cutter just as I am using it and cutting his paw. I am forever chasing him off the table anytime I'm sewing or cutting fabrics but he's a stubborn little stinker and keeps coming back.

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