Birdsong Fabric Collection and Free Pattern!

This is a short and sweet post to share my latest fabric collection called Birdsong, for Maywood Studio. I am so excited to share this with you!

Birdsong uses a classic color combination that reflects what we are drawn to in nature. The delicate pinks of flowers and soft greens of leaves combine to create a beautiful tapestry for the fluttering birds in this refined collection. Delicate stripes and floral geos bring contrast to the flowing vegetation of the focal prints.

A couple online shops that carry Birdsong are Shabby Fabrics and Fat Quarter Shop. Grab a bundle while you can, because it will only print once. πŸ™‚

As with all my fabric collections, I always like to gift you all with a free pattern. This pattern is charm pack and layer cake friendly! This was a picture I took when it was in-progress…

…and here it is finished!

Last but not least, here is the link to the free printer-friendly Birdsong pattern called Stitched With Love. I hope you enjoy it!

Stitched With Love Pattern – Click here! πŸ™‚

Thank you so much for visiting, and I hope you love my new collection and pattern. I told you this post would short and sweet. πŸ™‚

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Web of Roses

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio 2022

I post far and few between these days, but I couldn’t pass up sharing my very first Halloween collection called Web of Roses! This collection is in stores now!

This is a romantic Halloween collection with metallic details in the webs and gothic roses. Fall is just around the corner. Who is ready for some Halloween crafting?!

I love Maywood Studio’s description:

Antique lace, eerie bouquets, and delicate spiders spin a romantic Web of Roses. Gossamer border stripes and haunted blenders weave mysterious tales in Jera Brandvigs’ latest collection. The vivid vintage florals and intricate spiderweb prints are laced with metallic highlights, perfect for an elegant quilt with a hint of Halloween. Don’t be afraid to use this collection – we are dying to see what you make!

As always, with any new collection I love to gift my followers with a free pattern. Keep scrolling below for a link to the PDF pattern.

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

My boys (now 7 and 10 yrs old) and I absolutely LOVE decorating for Halloween, so this holiday holds a special place in my heart full of fun memories. Currently we have a trio of witch animatronics that we set out each year, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

I made a lovely, snuggly, Web of Roses quilt using my fabrics! πŸ™‚

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

And as promised, I put together a pattern for you all! To download a printer friendly PDF pattern, simply click the following link.

Free pattern:

Web of Roses pattern by Jera Brandvig

The Fat Quarter Shop carries this collection as well as some other online shops. With a quick google search, I found this quilt kit available on Etsy here and here, to name a few.

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio, Free pattern

Tah-dah! My oldest son is now tall enough to hold my quilts without standing on the couch. πŸ™‚

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

I got this quilted by David – my go-to long arm quilter these days. πŸ™‚ He always does a wonderful and fast job!

He has hundreds of patterns to choose from but his spiders quilt pattern was perfect!

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

Mini purple spiders for the perfect finish.

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

Patchwork front….

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

With a beautiful orange with gothic flowers, for the back!

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

For more quilt ideas using Web of Roses, check out Maywood Studio’s project page. You can view the whole collection here as well.

Web of Roses by Jera Brandvig for Maywood Studio

Thanks for reading my post! I hope you love my latest Web of Roses collection, and enjoy the free pattern!

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Correction to hexagon pattern in Quilt As-You-Go Made Clever

Please know that the hexagon pattern (page 110) in my new book Quilt As-You-Go Made Clever has a correction, which you can find in this printer-friendly PDF below.

As a quilt author, this sort of thing has always been a fear that’s loomed over my shoulder. But this just goes to show that no matter how many eyes reviewed this book, accidents can happen. We are only human and need to give ourselves grace. And when bummer things like this happen, we can own up! Funny how this applies not only to this specific situation, but to life in general.

But of course it’s always easier said than done. When I realized this correction needed to be made, my stomach felt like it dropped to the floor and I commenced a slow curl into fetal position.

My sincere apologies for this correction. I am posting it here, and every social media platform I have, and it will also be available on C&T Publishing’s website shortly.

Love to you all!

correction to the hexagon pattern on pg.110 – PDF correction available

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Quick Halloween Quilt

It’s been too long since I made a quilt! And when I finally make one, I do it in a weekend! I guess that’s how I roll.

I am excited that Summer is coming to an end as Autumn is my absolute favorite season, hands down. Over Labor Day weekend we stayed in a cabin in Mazama, WA (North Cascades) and I packed my sewing machine and supplies to make this quick quilt!

Early morning quilting πŸ™‚

I specifically chose a simple 9-patch block pattern so I could easily stop and go and set aside my stuff when needed. After cutting all my squares, I chain pieced them all together and before I knew it, I had all my blocks ready to assemble!

All my blocks laid out!
Bruno was testing out the quilt early. I think he approves? πŸ™‚

The fabrics are a scrappy mix of various fat quarters that i’ve bought over the years. I can’t tell you the exact names of them all since they don’t all have their selveges, but a lot are by Kim Diehl’s Welcome Wagon collection, Ladie’s Album by Barbara Brackman and I believe the border is by Blackbird Designs. Most are from a little quilt shop in Poulsbo, WA which sadly is no longer around. And all the orange and black colors are from one of my favorite quilt shops called 3 Bears Quilt Shop in Winthrop, WA.

like my Halloween scissors by Fiskars? Found them last year at Joanne fabrics.
I don’t usually get a pic of me quilting, so thought i’d share this. Hi! πŸ™‚

I made the pattern for you all. πŸ™‚ Here’s a link to the printable PDF pattern as well. It should auto download once you click it:

(click to enlarge)

Here’s a few more pictures I took. I was planning to quilt it myself (nope – didn’t use QAYG for this one!) but I’m tempted to take it to a long arm for them to quilt little ghosts or pumpkins on it. I’ll have to share the finished quilt.

on the swing out front – these color are gorgeous!
close up πŸ™‚ Thanks to my husband for being my quilt holder.
I picked up this new spooky book from the local Winthrop bookstore to really put me in the Fall mood. It’s a historical fiction novel about the American witch hunt trials. It’s dark, horrifying and sets the mood! I recommend it if you’re into that kind of read. πŸ™‚
I couldn’t have asked for a more relaxing weekend.
voila! all done!

Anyway, that’s it for now. Just wanted to share what i’ve been up to. Also, me being in the “spooky” mood just might be a hint of what’s to come next from Quilting in the Rain! πŸ˜‰

Thanks for reading!

p.s. anyone get a copy of my new book Quilt As-You-Go Made Clever, yet? πŸ™‚


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My New Book! Quilt As-You-Go Made Clever

(Update 9/30/21: Please see this post for a correction to the hexagon pattern in my book. Thank you!)

I am so excited to introduce to you all my new book called Quit As-You-go Made Clever! I have been quietly working on this for the past 2 years, so it’s so refreshing to finally be able to share it with you all!

This book is extra special because I styled and photographed the majority of the projects – I even photographed the book cover on myΒ  dining room table, lol! I still recall the weekend one summer when my husband took our kids camping so that I could have the house to myself. I spent that entire weekend photographing this book, from morning until the sun went down!

If you’ve followed me, you may be aware of my two other books called Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern and Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage. This is a follow up to both and completes the trilogy as I am not one to drag things out. I try to jam pack my books with new techniques/tips and inspiration for you all so that my readers get fulfilling and novel content. I truly feel this third book completes everything you need to know about the quilt as-you-go (QAYG) technique and helps you take it a step further with creative ideas that you may have not realized are a form of QAYG.

The projects in this book are smaller with the option to go bigger once you’re comfortable. I’ve always been a fan of smaller quilts, so i’ve also included an entire chapter on how to display your minis in your home.

And a wonderful thing about this book (along with my other two books) is it’s beginner friendly with lots of how-to images to help walk you through each project. I always make it a point to be crystal clear, because I know how daunting a project can seem as soon as something doesn’t click or make sense right away. I try to avoid that in all my books, with crystal clear instructions and tips along the way. While a beginner could do these projects, it’s also great for a seasoned quilter with creative and new techniques!

As always, I want my books to show how fun quilting is! It doesn’t have to be a daunting hobby all about precision and following things to a T. There’s so much creativity to be had – and you’ll really see that shine through in my first book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern, with improvisational quilting as you go. πŸ™‚

Fun fact: I named each quilt in this book after places near and dear to me in Washington state. At the beginning of each chapter I have a little blurb about the quilt name. So if you’re from around the Pacific Northwest you may recognize some of the places!

You can find my book in stores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target an so forth. But of course please be sure to check you local quilt shop first.

My heart goes out to all my QAYG readers that have supported my books since my very first. I say this every time but it’s so true – my books would not have been possible without your readership! So with that, I want to thank you all…a true, heartfelt thank you!

I’ve been posting less frequently because i’ve returned to work full time, but I do post often(ish) on Instagram (@QuiltingintheRain) so be sure to follow me there for the latest. Also, I am still designing fabric and i’ve actually just wrapped up my latest collection for Maywood Studio which will debut at quilt market this October! That’s next month – eep! That came up quick. πŸ™‚ I cannot wait to share it with you all!

For now, happy quilting! I hope you enjoy my new book. So much love to you all!


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