‘Fabric Fix’ Giveaway Winners!

The ‘Free Fabric Fix’ Giveaway contest has now ended! I want to thank everyone who commented and sent emails. Reading the responses and meeting everyone (even if only virtually) was fun for me and well worth a small fabric sacrifice 🙂

The correct responses to the photo contest are:
1) Sewing machine feed dogs
2) Yo-yo maker
3) Fusible webbing

I have tallied up the responses and the winners are (drum roll….):

1st Prize: Becca Quilts
Becca was the first to respond with the correct answers! Congrats, one Honeybun and a Charm Pack coming up! Check out Becca’s blog on quilting and life in general.

2nd Prize: Alise
Of all other correct responses, Alise’s name was drawn from a hat (literally) for the 2nd Prize. You have a Honeybun coming your way! See Alise’s photography blog here.

Fabric Sicko Award: The Quilted Finish
First of all, I loved – *LOVED* – reading through all the stories of fabric addiction! Those kept me entertained for the past week, so thank you! 🙂 Of all the fantastic entries, the story from The Quilted Finish was both hilarious and close to my heart. I too find myself sneaking new fabric purchases into the house to avoid the rolling (but loving) eyes of my husband. Once in a while I find myself saying, “oh that old jelly roll, I’ve had that for months” when in reality it was a same day hit. No one needs to know. Right?! 8-} See what’s new with The Quilted Finish at her blog.

Finally, because I was so tickled by so many responses, I wanted to give a couple of honorary mentions for the Fabric Sicko Award:
Suzan – I especially liked your admitting to spending multiple hours in a store to save a measly 10%. I have also fallen victim (willing, of course 🙂 to this symptom of fabric addiction!
VickiT – Your fabric collection sounds impressive! So does your crafting area! We do what we can with our smallish home, but someday I aspire to take over more of our house with my crafting (don’t tell my husband).

Thanks again for all the participation. I hope to interact with everyone more in the future. And remember, the next time that your husband or significant other starts questioning your stash, or asks ‘why don’t you just use some of the fabric you already have?’ … just smile and pretend you didn’t hear them 😉


3 Responses to ‘Fabric Fix’ Giveaway Winners!

  1. The Quilted Finish ph 02 63310084 October 26, 2010 at 3:43 am #

    Hi Jera,
    Thanks again for picking me as the Fabric Sicko! I know my family agree that's an appropriate title for me. Thankyou also for suggesting to your readers that they pay my blog a visit. Blogland is a wonderful place isn't it!?! You really gave me something to smile about today when I read your email,it's been a sad couple of days for our family as my brother passed away on Sunday morning, so thankyou for the generous spirit of quilters and bloggers. Kind regards, Rowena

  2. VickiT October 26, 2010 at 5:59 pm #

    Woohooo I'm an honorary sicko. Oh wait! Is that a good thing? HA

    I keep telling hubby that I think we should take my small window out and replace that with a nice big sliding glass doorway which leads to a big enclosed/elevated deck so that I can expand my sewing area into that but he just hasn't agreed to this idea yet. *sigh* Some day I'm going to win the lottery and I WILL have the big room even if I have to bribe him with a Man Cave to get it. hehe

  3. Wilma NC October 29, 2010 at 11:18 am #

    Found your blog via a friend. Had to add you to my read list.

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