Hi All! So I recently shared a photo of my pretty pink iron on instagram and got lots of questions on it. Not only is she pretty, but she’s smart too! 😉 All of the questions spurred me to do an oliso iron review on my instagram stories. It’s an honest review with pros and cons. I thought i’d share the review on my blog as well because i’m an advocate for quilting tools that’ll make the hobby more efficient. The iTouch technology allows for the iron to retract up and down making it a “smart iron.” It’s pretty neat – see for yourself in my video review below 🙂
I asked oliso if they can give my viewers a discount code because the iron ‘aint cheep! =) They generously made a special Quilting in the Rain code: “Rain15” for 15% off any oliso iron from their website: https://www.oliso.com/smartiron/ This code expires on Halloween (October 31st, 2018) so treat yourself!
I also had lots of questions on the ironing pad seen is the video. I talk about it at the very end but in case you missed that it’s a 17″ x 24″ 100% wool ironing pad by Precision Quilting Tools. You can find this at your local quilt shop or Amazon. The wool absorbs the heat from the iron, essentially pressing your fabric on the front and back for a quicker press. I’m really happy with mine as it saves some pressing time. Plus I like how portable it is. As you can see in the picture above, I keep it to the left of my sewing machine.
Also, I’ll quickly note that I don’t keep the ironing pad over my cutting mat (contrary to the pic above). I only moved it there for good lighting in my video and photo. The bottom of the ironing pad doesn’t get hot, but it does get slightly, just barely warm. So while it probably won’t warp the cutting mat, to play it safe in the long run I just keep it on my table.
Let me know if you have any questions, but be sure to watch the video as I answer some questions at the end there too.
Anyhoodles, just a quick post to share some quilting tools that make my life sweeter. I love having good tools on hand!
On a completely different note…
Holy crap it’s mid-October already! Fall quilt market is in t-minus 2 weeks. I have so many projects to share….!
For now i’ll share some pictures of my mornings lately. Foggy Fall walks to school. Colorful leaves.
smiling corgis 🙂
I love the saying, “Autumn in my favorite color.” So true for me.
Thanks for stopping by! Aaand back to panic quilting… 😉
Looks like a great iron! I’ve been seeing this wool mat recently as well and have been curious about it, so thanks for the feedback. Gosh, where does the time go….I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love fall. Thanks for the lovely pics, I always look fwd to your posts 🙂
I love that saying; Autumn is my favorite color. What beautiful trees!! Thanks for sharing.