I realized it’s been months since I last made a post! I’ve had so much I wanted to share, but the end of the year got busy with the holidays, making deadlines and my family getting hit with the nasty cold bug. I hope all of you have been well and healthy, and keeping warm with all the ice storms happening in the states.
In this post I will share some sneak peak photos from my 2nd book, including how I made time for it. These days time seems few and far between! Making time isn’t easy…in all honesty I almost quit writing my book…but I kept at it and got it done with some help.
Some news on the quilting front: My second quilt as-you-go book is well on it’s way! It will be released Fall of 2017. This book builds upon my first, Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern, with some fresh qayg ideas plus a 3rd joining method, which creates a reversible quilt. I am so excited to share it with you all! In addition, my second fabric collection for Lecien Fabrics will be released this Spring! My fabric will have a very cute notion to go along with it…can’t wait to share more!
Also, a quick thank you for 300 reviews on Amazon for my first book! My second book would not have been possible without all of your support and enthusiasm. A heartfelt thank you for that.
‘Husband of the Year Award’ goes to my Ben. <3 Leading up to my 2nd book’s deadline(s), my husband and I shared a handful of late nights binding quilts together. I didn’t even need to ask him, he just did it. Ben and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary this July.
Our Summer basically consisted of Ben coming home from work, we would eat a quick dinner and then he would take over the kids and cleaning the dishes from that point on so that I could work on my book, as well as designing my 2nd fabric collection. He’d take the kids to the park, get them ready for bed and then tuck them in for the night. That typically gave me from 6:00pm until the rest of the night to work. This helped me not have to stay up until 2am every night since I got an earlier start. He also took the kids during Saturdays to give me a full day to work. I like to think we make a good team.
Yes, my husband and I didn’t see much of each other over the Summer, but we knew it was only temporary. My complaints were that I didn’t have enough time, and so we made time. It’s funny how it’s a simple concept, but it doesn’t mean it would be easy to do. Love this quote.
Doing this also allowed me to spend 100% of my time with my two boys during the Summer days. We picked blueberries in our yard, went on long summer walks, went to the zoo and played at local Seattle parks and made wonderful memories during this fleeting time where they grow up too fast.
Before our crazy schedule I was trying to squeeze in work here and there during nap times, putting on movies so I could try to get a bit done during the day. But if any of you have ever tried to work with a one-year-old and 4-year-old milling about, you’ll know it’s just not possible. LOL. It was also very stressful…I became a mean-mama-monster with every little interruption. It wasn’t worth it.
One emotional night I wrote an email to my publisher telling them that I would have to quit the book. Even with our crazy, new schedule, I still felt that I couldn’t do it all. I almost hit “send,” but felt that I had to have my husband’s blessing first. He told me to try asking for help before I make any big decisions, and that I should reach out to some quilting friends that I’ve met on instagram to see if they would be interested in making some quilts for the book.
I’m usually very independent when I work, and I try to do it all myself. For my first book, I did it all on my own – I made every single quilt. But my situation was different then. At the time I only had one child who took 4 hour naps during the day! Now I have two kids that were wide awake pretty much all day, lol. Let’s get real…I did need help. And it took my husband telling me so to realize it.
So that night I went out of my comfort zone and reached out to some friends from instagram to see if I could contract them for some help. I emailed them and waited for a response the following morning. Just like that, I had found some help. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and that the impossible might actually be possible now.
Writing my second book and continuing designing fabrics is important to me. It’s a way for me to express my creativity and share it with the world. My kids are my world. I love them to “finity and beyond” as my eldest would say. The days can escape us, and some days they can drain us. We can find ourselves in a tired, stressful loop. I’m not claiming to know how to fix this for everyone, but I do know that it’s important to take time to do what makes your soul happy.
Spending time with my kids and creating beautiful things makes my soul happy. If you feel like you don’t have time, then make time. With the help of my husband, we were able to make time. I admit that the crazy schedule was not sustainable, but as mentioned before we knew it was a temporary fix. Perhaps down the road we’ll be able to afford child care to help us out for the next round 😉
Anyway, I hope my story might be helpful in some way. If not, I hope you at least enjoyed the photo sneak-peaks, lol.
Here’s a few more I pulled from my camera.
My youngest son is Simon. He is now 1 1/2 years old. He is a Tasmanian devil…quite the handful!
And my eldest, Ethan. He is the sweetest and has the biggest heart. He turns 5 this February.
Some more sneak peaks of book 2. These are quilted blocks using my fabrics from my first fabric collection, High Tea for Lecien Fabrics.
Isn’t this the daintiest binding…!?
I hope you all enjoyed this post and that you have a wonderful new year ahead!
In 2017, don’t forget to make time to do what makes your soul happy! 🙂
I totally enjoyed reading your post! Life does get so busy and often times we don’t make time for the “me” time. I get frustrated with that too! It’s refreshing to read how you accomplished getting your second book done. I can’t wait to buy it! I’ll be watching for the presale announcement. Happy Quilting!
Thank you, Inez! Your comments always make me smile 🙂
Wonderful to see your post and the sneak peeks!! Can’t wait for your next book! I will def be finding time to try some of the new quilts and very anxious to see your 3rd joining method to make reversible type qayg quilts!! Four kids and 3 grandkids here and the most precious piece of info I can share with anyone is to make time to enjoy them while their young but also make time to enjoy things you love, for if you don’t take care of yourself, you’re no good to them! Looks like you’ve learned that young! Good for you!!
Thank you, Kimberly. That is very good advice. We have to take care of ourselves too to keep up with the kiddos, lol!
Your honesty is so refreshing! You are in such a busy time of life and I’m so glad you reached out for help! And of course, this awesome community had your back! I look forward to both your book and fabric line!
Thank you, Kristin! Yes, I’m so thankful for the amazing instagram community…it’s really something, isn’t it?! Especially for someone like me who is quite the introvert, it has helped so much!
good post you have been busy the past few months, look forard to your book but no doubt it will 2018 before it hits the UK. Have never tried QAYG maybe this is the time to have a go
Thank you! 🙂 Happy quilting!
Loved your post and the sneak peeks for your 2nd book. So nice to hear how you ‘teamed’ up to get things done. This support brought success – wonderful!
Thank you! Sometimes asking for help/reaching out of your comfort zone can seem so daunting…that’s what I made it out to be. It took my husband telling me for me to realize it. 🙂
Love this post. I think lots of people are really starting to realize what is important in life and finding tat balance so that they can have it all. Or at least close to it, lol. Great post and LOVE your fabrics!!!
Thank you! It’s not easy finding balance…definitely easier said than done! By when we make time for what’s important and what makes our souls happy, it helps with the process.
What a lovely and insightful peek into your busy life and process as you juggle work, play and family. Kudos to your husband for pitching in on so many levels to help you achieve your goals! Looking forward to seeing your new book and fabric line, everything looks beautiful.
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed reading the post. And yes! Kudos to my husband!!
Thank you for your post. I, also, have been working at making time for the activities I love
Your boys are adorable. I, for one, am grateful that you were able to finish your second book. I’m looking forward to getting it.
I love your posts and your boys are just soooo cute. Thanks for all the tutorials you do.
Jera, I love all of the photos you shared. I am so glad to know you.
I love your first book and am looking forward to the second.
Yes I do enjoy your post, and everything you share on your blog. Thanks a lot for everything !
I really enjoyed reading your post and recently finding your blog. As a mom and new Seattle quilter I especially resonate with making time to create things that warm your soul. Keep it up, all of it!