If you are already registered to access the Private Retailer’s Page, please use your password and log in here:
About the Private Retailer’s Page
I used to own a small, online fabric shop and my husband and I know how hard all of you shop owners work! Whether you’re a small or large business, it takes a lot of hard work and long hours, not to mention lots of help from your family and friends. Cutting, packaging and promoting fabrics is only the tip of the ice berg! As a small token of my thanks to show how appreciative I am of each and every one of you, I’ve created a Private Retailers Page. This page will grant you access to free printer & package-friendly patterns (to sell in your shop, to make quilt kits, to give away as a freebie with High Tea purchases, etc.), as well as photographs I’ve taken of my fabric that you can use for your online shops, newsletters or social media. My only request is that you use these patterns and images in support of my fabric.
How do you get access to the Private Retailer’s Page?
- First, you need to have my fabric in your shop or pending order.
- Then, simply complete the form below.
Upon submitting the form, your shop’s information will be added to my Shops that Carry My Fabric page within 48 hours. I have lots of people that visit my blog, and that page will help them find your shop. In addition, you will receive an email with a password/login that will give you access to the private page.