Archive | Quilt as you Go

My New Book! Quilt As-You-Go Made Clever

(Update 9/30/21: Please see this post for a correction to the hexagon pattern in my book. Thank you!)

I am so excited to introduce to you all my new book called Quit As-You-go Made Clever! I have been quietly working on this for the past 2 years, so it’s so refreshing to finally be able to share it with you all!

This book is extra special because I styled and photographed the majority of the projects – I even photographed the book cover on my  dining room table, lol! I still recall the weekend one summer when my husband took our kids camping so that I could have the house to myself. I spent that entire weekend photographing this book, from morning until the sun went down!

If you’ve followed me, you may be aware of my two other books called Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern and Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage. This is a follow up to both and completes the trilogy as I am not one to drag things out. I try to jam pack my books with new techniques/tips and inspiration for you all so that my readers get fulfilling and novel content. I truly feel this third book completes everything you need to know about the quilt as-you-go (QAYG) technique and helps you take it a step further with creative ideas that you may have not realized are a form of QAYG.

The projects in this book are smaller with the option to go bigger once you’re comfortable. I’ve always been a fan of smaller quilts, so i’ve also included an entire chapter on how to display your minis in your home.

And a wonderful thing about this book (along with my other two books) is it’s beginner friendly with lots of how-to images to help walk you through each project. I always make it a point to be crystal clear, because I know how daunting a project can seem as soon as something doesn’t click or make sense right away. I try to avoid that in all my books, with crystal clear instructions and tips along the way. While a beginner could do these projects, it’s also great for a seasoned quilter with creative and new techniques!

As always, I want my books to show how fun quilting is! It doesn’t have to be a daunting hobby all about precision and following things to a T. There’s so much creativity to be had – and you’ll really see that shine through in my first book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern, with improvisational quilting as you go. 🙂

Fun fact: I named each quilt in this book after places near and dear to me in Washington state. At the beginning of each chapter I have a little blurb about the quilt name. So if you’re from around the Pacific Northwest you may recognize some of the places!

You can find my book in stores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target an so forth. But of course please be sure to check you local quilt shop first.

My heart goes out to all my QAYG readers that have supported my books since my very first. I say this every time but it’s so true – my books would not have been possible without your readership! So with that, I want to thank you all…a true, heartfelt thank you!

I’ve been posting less frequently because i’ve returned to work full time, but I do post often(ish) on Instagram (@QuiltingintheRain) so be sure to follow me there for the latest. Also, I am still designing fabric and i’ve actually just wrapped up my latest collection for Maywood Studio which will debut at quilt market this October! That’s next month – eep! That came up quick. 🙂 I cannot wait to share it with you all!

For now, happy quilting! I hope you enjoy my new book. So much love to you all!


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Catching Up!

Hey friends! I was going through my photos and thought i’d share some random prettiness with you all. Since I haven’t been blogging much, I thought this would be a good way to slow things down and play catch up.

By the way, that mini quilt in the photo above was made by my friend Alli of Woodberry Way using fabrics from my 2nd collection called La Conner. She has lots of amazing patterns that you can download instantly here. The mini quilt is called “Sweet Marie” and you can make one yourself by downloading it here.

You may have noticed from my last post that i’ve been experimenting with english paper piecing (EPP) more lately. When I first started quilting it was very fast and furious, for lack of better words LOL. From that came my excitement for quilt as-you-go, which ultimately led to my two books Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern and Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage.

Anyhoodles, where i’m getting at is in a way, i think i’ve slowed down. 🙂 I’m taking my time and enjoying these slower moving projects like hand quilting. I’m finding it very therapeutic! And if you’re like me and like keeping busy, these are perfect for taking along during a long car ride. It’s a slower way of quilt-as-you-go with completely different results!

I’m still very new to EPP and haven’t made anything big yet. I’m also too afraid to take out the papers 🙂 Maybe i’ll just leave them in forever ;-p

It’s hard to believe my kids will be out of school very soon with Summer just around the corner. Winter came and went!

I’m sharing these photos of the little free library we have in front of our home. If you’re not familiar with these, they’re little community libraries where anyone can take and give a book. We have them scattered all over our neighborhood in Seattle. My stepdad and husband built this for me last Mother’s Day.

What else…oh yes! So i’m supposed to be working on a 3rd book 😀 But boy is it hard finding the time! After my last book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage, I vowed to myself that I am SO OVER writing books! Welp, i was wrong! haha! I feel like I have one more in me…if only I can find the time. I have all the projects in my head ready to go…!!!

So the photo above is a quilt i’ve been working on. I actually finished this the other night and will be sharing it soon along with a free pattern because I heart you guys. 😉

I used fabric from my 3rd fabric collection for Lecien called Woodland Rose. (available here)

These next photos are some fun ways I like to display all the quilts you see me making. 🙂

You can’t go wrong with a big ‘ol basket ‘o quilts! 🙂 I snagged this basked from Target and it lives in my living room next to our couch.

Below is a towel rack I found from Hobby Lobby. I thought it was adorable and went with it even though i’m not quite sure where to put it. It’s perfect for displaying smaller wall-size/lap-size quilts. Right now it’s in my sewing room until I find a better place.

Oh and here’s some fun news! As of yesterday I received the strike-off samples for my 5th collection for Lecien Fabrics! I will share it with you this coming Fall. Also, did I mention that you can expect a Christmas collection from me next year? 🙂 Think vintage Christmas, and you can bet there will be some gold metallic in it!

I snapped a photo of the fabric bolts below because my husband and I have been painstakingly cutting them all up into fat quarter bundles. Good lawd it takes forever! I will eventually be selling the bundles on my blog. We’re just trying to make room for my new collections that will be coming in.

This is fabric from my 2nd collection called La Conner which came out a couple years ago. Anyway, fat quarter bundles are on their way…slow and steady wins the race 😉

Recognize this quilt? It’s in my 2nd book Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage and was made by my friend Faith Essenburg. It’s a traditional block assembled using the QAYG technique. The fabrics are from my 1st collection called High Tea. Doesn’t it look so pretty next to my red and white dishes? 🙂 That plate rack was made by my husband as a Christmas gift.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I have so much more to share with you all, including some more new quilts and free patterns in my next post.

Thanks for reading me and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Hugs from Seattle!


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Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage (my latest book!)

Hi everyone! I did a post about my new book back in March, but now that my book has finally released this month (!!) I thought i’d do another post with some videos and pretty project photos that my publisher sent me from the book.

Below you can find two videos: A quick 2-minute overview of my book, and the second video where I elaborate more and show some actual quilts in hand. When it comes to quilting I can get talking quite a lot, so I thought it’d be good to share both videos to give you the option, and to not talk your ear off.

Take a look below! 🙂

For a quick ~2 min explanation of my 2nd book, you can watch this video that I filmed for The Fat Quarter Shop back in May. Gotta love where YouTube decided to freeze-frame me. I’m surprised my eyes aren’t closed too x-p

However, for a video where I elaborate on my book and talk more about the 3 different QAYG joining methods, you can check out this homemade video of me in my sewing room, that my husband helped put together for me. 🙂

>>Again I want to reiterate that my 2nd book would not be possible if not for all of you that showed a tremendous amount of support and love for my 1st book. So I wanted to reach out again (i’ll never tire of doing so), to say thank you. This book is for you! <<

By the way, you can read a review on my first book published by Quilter’s Review HERE.

And now for some pretty quilt as you go  project photos that I promised!

The above quilt was made by Deborah Russell. I am truly thankful to have had help by some very talented gals for my 2nd book! I couldn’t have have done it without their help


The quilt below was made by Faith Essenburg of Sarana Ave.



This  next quilt I believe I may have mentioned before in a prior post. This is a true vintage quilt. I scored these 1930’s hand-sewn blocks from eBay. They were very delicate and not perfect due to their antique nature, but the quilt-as-you-go technique enabled me to very carefully quilt one block at a time, therefore stabilizing each block. Followed by assembling the blocks together after each delicate block had already been quilted and stabilized. These once delicate blocks are now stabilized enough to put this quilt through the delicate cycle of the washing machine! QAYG is a great way to carefully assemble true, vintage quilt blocks!


I have a whole chapter dedicated to fabric selection, and how to find inspiration from your surroundings. I love fabric, so it was easy and unique to include that.

This next quilt is the High Tea Sampler quilt (also the first quilt on this blog post). I talk about this quilt in my videos, and how my book includes 51 quilt blocks to choose from, plus 9+ projects to help get your creative juiced flowing, plus THREE quilt as-you-go joining techniques. Furthermore, I have a chapter called “Quilts for Thought” which have even more QAYG ideas. I want my books to be more than just quilt patterns. I want them to inspire! I want it to let your inner artist come out! 🙂


Here’s a big ol’ pile of quilted blocks ready to be assembled. I took this photo when I was working on the high tea sampler quilt. It sure is a satisfying feeling having a stack of quilted and squared-up blocks. I carefully walk you through this process in my book, with lots of tips and tid bits to help you along the way.

Here’s a photo I took that shows the back of the quilt. It’s a whole other quilt on the other side!

Here’s another lovely project photo taken by the talented C&T Publishing team. they did an excellent job making this book organized and beautiful.


This next quilt, called Simon’s Quilt,  was a special one that I made for my littlest who is now 2 years old.  It’s a very simple block, but I explain how to use textured fabrics, like this minky cuddle fabric, in your projects. The QAYG technique makes using these types of materials a bit more manageable.  It’s adds so much to a project, and it’s baby approved!!!

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And now for some pretty close ups. 🙂  If you’d like to read more about this High Tea Sampler quilt (shown below), check out this post.


I hope you get a chance to watch a video. There’s so much to say that it seemed easier to just film me talking about it, rather than writing a long article. I hope you enjoy the photos, and again, thank you for your support!

You can find my book here. If you get the book and love it, I appreciate any honest reviews. They truly help me as an author, and my husband and I read all of them! Thank you SO much!

buh-bye for now 🙂



p.s. happy quilt-as-you-go!

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Quilt-As-You-Go Made Modern – Strip Quilt with Lace tutorial!

I know a lot of you have been waiting for this quilt-as-you-go tutorial, so here you go! You can find a video tutorial below which I had the privilege of filming at The Fat Quarter Shop with Kimberly and their wonderful team.

First, a little about my Quilt As-You-Go joining techniques as I’ve been getting lots of questions…

The quilt in this video tutorial is from the “Solstice Quilt” pattern from my first book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern. The main difference (other than the fabric) is in this video I show you how to add lace embellishments to the quilt. My first book has two quilt as-you-go joining techniques, and in this free video tutorial I explain how to use 1 of the 2 techniques.

My first book 🙂

My second book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage,  which comes out later this month (September 2017) has a 3rd and all new joining technique which renders a reversible quilt! You can read more about that in THIS post.

My 2nd book, which comes out later this month!

I pack a ton of helpful tips and tid bits into my books that are in an easy-to-read format, so be sure to check them out 🙂

The lace I used in my video tutorial are from my La Conner lace collection for Lecien fabrics, which can be found at The Fat Quarter Shop, along with all my fabrics and thread. Click here to see it all!

La Conner lace comes in 5 different colors, including: vanilla, peony, sage, blueberry and cranberry.

For this tutorial I used vanilla lace. And of course the fabrics are from my 2nd fabric collection for Lecien, called La Conner.

All right, here is the free video tutorial! I was way too nervous during this filming as it was my first tutorial I did while I was on site.  However,  everything you need to know to make this quilt came across clearly, which is all that matters! x-) I was a lot less nervous by the time I filmed my La Conner tote bag tutorial .

I worked really hard on this one (literally, I worked up a sweat during the filming process, lol!), so I hope you get inspired to try QAYG, or that it sparks some creativity. 🙂

With that, i’ll leave you with a couple more photos of this beautiful quilt! 🙂 The lace really adds so much charm!

Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

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My mom made this! Also, THANK YOU <3

I’m the first and only quilter in my family, so whenever my mom sews I get pretty excited! Had to share this hexagon pouf that she made using fabrics from my La Conner collection. =) Isn’t it great?!

This hexagon pouf pattern is by Angel Lea Designs and can be found HERE. My mom doesn’t sew very frequently, so if she can do it then you can to!

As a side note, my La Conner fabrics are FINALLY starting to show up in shops now, so be sure to check your local quilt shop or your favorite online shop for my latest collection.

My boys have gotten so much use out of this pouf. We had to keep stuffing it with more fluff because they use it so much.

I was being sneaky and captured these photos of Ethan on the pouf while watching Ninjago. Must be a pretty hilarious show! 😉

It means so much to me having my mom sew with my fabrics. <3 I remember going to JoAnn fabrics with her when I was little so we could pick out fabrics for new pajamas or holiday-themed  table cloths. I use to love playing with her sewing notions and going through all the stuff in her sewing bag.

Lots of quilts in our living room! The two pictured here are from my upcoming book, Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage which comes out this October. You can pre-order it HERE. Both quilts were made using the QAYG technique. The one that my son is snuggled up in was assembled and quilted by my talented instagram friend, Faith Essenburg of Sarana Ave blog.

The quilt hanging on the wall was made using true vintage quilt blocks. I found these 1930’s quilt blocks on eBay and very carefully assembled them using QAYG, which helped to stabilize them. I will tell you how to do this in my 2nd book.  I’ll post more about this quilt on a separate blog post. 🙂

Lastly, I wanted to end this post with a big, warm THANK YOU to all that played a part in my leukemia quilt auction for Ellia post. This quilt was sent to Mary for her generous contribution. Words really can’t describe my gratitude and the amount of love I felt from all of you in that post. Thanks for sharing, commenting, bidding, reading. $550 was raised to go towards Ellia’s leukemia expenses.  A big thank you on behalf of Ellia’s family as well.

I threw in a few extra goodies for Mary. I hope she loves everything!

Thanks for stopping by and reading me. 🙂 Enjoy the Summer! It’s supposed to get up to 95 today….i think i’m gonna melt.




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