Hi All! Just wanted to wish you all a safe and Happy Halloween! I actually took a little break from the store and crafted this weekend! Inspired by yummy candy, I decided to make a Frayed Fabric Basket as a candy dish. I’ll have the tutorial up soon…it’s really simple.
On a different note, last weekend my husband and I returned from a baby-moon at the Florida Keys. 🙂 In the spirit of Halloween, here’s a couple spooky decorations I thought you’d enjoy. I took these at Key West – this town goes all out for Halloween!Quilting in the Rain, the online store, update! >> For those of you that haven’t heard, I’ve been working late hours to launch my online store that specializes in selling pre-cut fabrics. I can’t believe I’m finally saying this, but it should be ready to launch within the next 2 weeks if not sooner. We’re just finishing up some last minute touches. 🙂 I’m so excited to share all the fabric I have stocked for you!
Happy Halloween!
Yea, can't wait!