I wanted to share some of the beautiful creations that fellow fabri-holics have made using my patterns! I absolutely love seeing how different fabric choices can make a pattern look totally different from the original. Thanks to all who submitted these photos! PLEASE keep sending more my way by either posting them on Quilting In The Rain’s Facebook wall, or emailing to me at QuiltingInTheRain at gmail dot com. Your photos inspire me to keep crankin’ out more tutorials 🙂
Patterns/made by: Image 1 (clockwise) – photos 1 & 2 Rainy Days by Jamie, photo 3 Rainy Days by Fran, photo 4 Sunny Santa Monica by Mary. Image 2 (clockwise) – photo 1 Tiffany Diamonds modeled by furrball Falla (in the upper left corner :), made by Maggie, photo 2 Strip Tease by Mandy, photo 3 Woven Jelly Roll Rug by Monica, photo 4 Visor CD Holder by Debbie.
Thanks again for sharing – and if you’ve made any of my patterns, please share! I absolutely love seeing your creations.
Happy Quilting!
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