I’m finally using my Sugar Flowers collection! I’ve been hoarding 14 fat quarters since January and finally cut into them. 🙂 I’m really excited for this quilt. It’s a traditional design that utilizes squares…
…lots and lots of squares…
I’m choosing this specific design because it really showcases the gorgeous fabrics.
Why hello Blue! See how the colors pop! I’m loving it. I snapped over 20 photos just during the cutting process alone. :pAnyway, I will have the tutorial up this Saturday so stay tuned.
Happy Quilting!
I love the fabric, GORGEOUS X
Lovin' the flowery fabrics, dear. 🙂
Your quilt is so lovely, thank you for sharing the details with us. I'm so glad that I happened by today!
Magnifico tutorial y además parece un trabajo sencillo y muy bonito. Gracias.