Fabric + Chocolate = Happiness

Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = HappinessChocolates while sewing…could I ask for more?! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

On a different note, I’m going to be traveling this week for work which means less time to sew. :*( However, in a hurry to cram some last minute sewing therapy before my trip I managed to start two new projects. It’s probably wise to stick to one project at a time as to not get overwhelmed, but I couldn’t choose which fabrics to use first so I did both. Problem solved!

Anyway, I won’t tell you what these projects are until I’m completely done. But I will give you a glimpse or two. Here’s the first one:

Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = HappinessYup, those are charm squares. I got to use my new walking foot and quilted some random and fun straight stitching. This is the first time I’ve ever used a walking foot…and i LOVE it. Should have gotten one sooner.

Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = HappinessMy second project was in the first picture above (with the chocolates). I’ll be using each and every one of these lovely prints to finish it:

Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = Happinessoh yeah…
Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = Happiness8-[ )**

Quilt Tutorials and Fabric Creations - Quilting In The Rain - Fabric + Chocolate = HappinessThe above prints are a collection by Michael Miller called “Meadowsweet 2,” designed by Sandi Henderson.

That’s it for now. Not sure when I’ll be able to do my next post…but until then, happy quilting! 🙂


7 Responses to Fabric + Chocolate = Happiness

  1. Mary Grace McNamara February 15, 2011 at 3:44 am #

    It's the perfect combination for sure – fabric and chocolate! What could you be making with those beautiful quilted charms? Can't wait to see!


  2. Di~ February 15, 2011 at 4:33 am #

    Whatever that is on the sewing table!?I love! I'm really curious! I have fabric like yours!

  3. missavene February 15, 2011 at 12:23 pm #

    Can't wait to know more about your projects 🙂 And Sandi Henderson's fabric designs are amazing aren't they?! I love each and every one of her collections.

  4. Melissa February 15, 2011 at 11:03 pm #

    Lovely fabrics:) Loving the quilted charms:)

  5. Kirsten N February 16, 2011 at 11:13 pm #

    Happy valentines Day Jera! Can't wait to see what you are doing with the Meadowsweet as I have a FQ bundle here waitng for ideas:)

  6. cindyw6621 April 1, 2011 at 6:50 am #

    Hi Jera, I Have just discovered your blog today and am really enjoying looking at your work.
    I noticed your machine looks like a Semi-Industrial machine, AND in 1 of your posts (can't find it again at the mo), I read about you just getting a walking foot.
    Is it to fit this machine or do you have another one that the walking foot fits on.
    May I email you in person to talk about this?
    Very interested…..

  7. Quiltingintherain April 1, 2011 at 4:15 pm #

    Hi Cindy – Thanks for your comment! I'd be mroe than happy to chat about my machine. I sent you an email. 🙂

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